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Springtime is Here! What to Know About Your Child’s Allergies

It saddens any parent to see their child suffering. Any child is prone to allergic reactions, although it is highly characteristic in kids from families with allergy history. Parents should monitor allergy symptoms because it is impossible to control what their children are exposed.
Early identification of your child’s allergies helps reduce missed school days, avoid sick time, lost vacation time attending to a sick child, and generally an improved quality of life for your child. If your daughter or son or is battling allergies, take control of the situation and consult an allergist or a pediatric doctor today.
When the temperature gradually rises from cold to warm with winter season paving the way for spring, the air contents immediately change from the small water droplets in suspension to stuff in the air, like pollen and ragweed. Springtime is the season for trees to grow back their leaves and flower, which releases airborne pollen in dispersal and attracts different insects.


Some common causes of allergies are:

  • Indoors: dust mites, mold, animal or pet fur or hair
  • Outdoors: insect stings or bites, tree or plant pollen
  • Irritants: perfume, cigarette smoke, car exhaust
  • Foods: eggs, milk and dairy products, peanuts


Allergies cause a lot of discomfort in children. The significant symptoms of allergic reactions include:

  • Nasal and chest congestion causing difficulty in breathing
  • Skin rash or hives
  • Coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, a runny nose or eye infections.
  • Intestinal disorders or upset stomach
  • Exhaustion and poor sleeping habits

Behavioral Changes

Always have a keen eye to observe and test the exact cause of the allergy in your child. For instance, if your child sneezes for the first time in the presence of a particular tree then sneezes severally after, that is a symptom to note. Try taking your child away and see if the behavior stops or picks up again in the presence of another contributing factor.


You do not need to stress about treating your child because there are various ways to treat allergies. Apart from minimal inhalation of pollen, concierge medicine can help tone down the reaction. If the conditions worsen, you can take your child to an allergist or a pediatric doctor for allergy shots or prescriptions.

Tips to Manage Allergies

If you know what affects your child, you can avoid it. Try other options apart from treatment and see the results. For instance, keep the windows and doors shut when the outside pollen count is on the rise and instead use the air conditioner. Eliminate the foods which trigger your child’s allergy from his or her diet. Keep your child off the irritants and pets that shed fur or hair. Teach your child about the causes, symptoms, and how to avoid their allergy.
The symptoms the allergies present could be an indication of a serious underlying issue. Do not delay. Seek the services of a pediatric doctor today. Diamond Physicians is a concierge pediatric and doctors office with locations in the Dallas, Texas area.