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Small Business Health Care Plan Solutions

Employees are the drivers of your enterprise. They are also your internal consumers. Having them in the right health maximizes workplace productivity; not to mention it improves the mood. While there are other alternative healthcare plans like the Obamacare and Direct Physical Care (DPC) solutions, Diamond Physicians provides a proactive approach to ensure you don’t spend thousands of dollars on DPC coverages. By subtracting the insurance factor in primary care, you get cost-effectiveness, enhanced access and streamlined incentives for medical care.


Why We Are Different

Diamond Physicians Solutions excels because of its time-proof philosophy of proactiveness. Most healthcare options come for your money after you’ve been incapacitated by a condition or illness. The approach enables the company to help you reduce the emergence of chronic conditions and recurrent health issues in the workplace. That’s effective in reducing absenteeism.
With traditional or conventional healthcare, people are subjected to long hours of waiting only to spend very little time with the doctor. That limits a patient from explicitly communicating their problem. Further, they can barely access the services. Diamond believes that every person is entitled to received one-on-one, high-standard care. Most patients have expressed their satisfaction with the company’s approach. That’s because traditional insurance physicians deal with an average of 3,000 patients while our doctor to patient ration is relatively small (about 600 patients). That means a patient can get enough time for consultation and personalized treatment for better health outcomes.


How Can You Grow Your Business with Diamond Solutions?

Diamond Physicians provides a complimentary business healthcare solution besides your existing health insurance to scale your business. Your health insurance coverage caters for catastrophic medical situations like hospitalization, cancer treatment, and surgery. Diamond Solutions creates recreate an adjunct employee care experience that accelerates staffs’ engagements, better outcomes, and low expenses.

HR managers, being directly involved in implementing Diamond’s health plan, can experience revolutionary changes in their departments. The employees can access practitioners on a 24-hour basis, receive proactive clinical treatment, quick-response to emergencies and more doctor-patient [employee] engagement. To complete a treble win, CEOs and business owners spend less on staff medical care, high-quality care, and additional profit margins.


Benefits of Diamond Health Solutions

Proactive Medical Approach

Most health care practitioners adopt a reactive method of treatment. They wait till you get sick. On the flip side, preventative medicine merely underwrites prescriptions that only veil the problem. Diamond’s proactive approach focusses on the causative elements that lead to chronic diseases before they unwrap.


Plummeted Costs

Insurance doctors incur 60 cents expense to claim insurance. Our services bypass the insurance claim stage by allowing your employees to contact doctors and other related ancillaries anytime, anywhere. That said, Diamond lowers the healthcare cost. If adopted nationally, this model can save America’s healthcare expenditure by 30%.


Patient Incentives

Diamond doesn’t achieve profitability by claiming insurance like other doctors. That undermines the patient. Diamond physicians treat patients as a product. Just like a product undergoes improvements for market viability, the company develops innovative solutions to improve the patient’s lifestyle.


Unlimited Access

In today’s digital world, traditional healthcare systems seem to limit. Diamond uses technological systems to aloe your employees to securely send texts, call or video call physicians. That eliminated regional barriers, thus providing care wherever you are.

Diamond Employer Health Solutions is your 21st-century business partner for your employee health coverage. Considering the low costs of the company’s care model, you’ll reap high revenues while increasing staff loyalty.