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Foreign Body Ingestion

child gesturing choking from foreign body ingestion

As a new mom, my first priority was to keep my child safe. So, when my little one started crawling, I had to minimize all choking hazards and hide anything small enough for her to swallow. In other words, my husband’s foreign coin collection needed a display case.

Commonalities in Choking

Foreign body ingestion is most common in children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. The more common objects include: magnets, coins, small toys, buttons, balloons, marbles, pen caps. Food can also serve as potential risk for choking and include foods such hot dogs, seeds, chewing gums, whole grapes, popcorn, and chunks of peanut butter.
To avoid them choking on food:

  • Do not give candy or gum to children younger than 5 years old.
  • Cut up raw vegetables and fruit into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Make sure your children eat only when seated.


Telltale Signs of Foreign Body Ingestion

Half of patients that ingest a foreign body don’t show symptoms. However, here are a few signs choking that are important to remember:

  • Drooling
  • Blood in saliva
  • Gagging or difficulty swallowing
  • Cough
  • High-pitched sound when breathing
  • Pressure or pain in neck or throat
  • Vomiting
  • Irritability



If you suspect that your child or family member may have ingested a foreign object, seek medical help right away. Your doctor will look at the airway and thoroughly examine the patient. It’s very likely that they’ll order an x-ray. In extremely rare cases, surgery may be required.

Treatment usually depends on what type of object it is and where it’s located. Most objects pass through without any problems; however, for items such as button batteries, immediate removal is imperative. Button batteries are found in watches, remote controls, toys. They are made of lithium and have a strong electrical charge. The danger in these batteries is the possibility of damage to the tissue in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In addition, high power magnets can have detrimental effects on the bowel. Sharp objects like pins and needles need immediate removal. Depending on its location on an x-ray to eliminate the risk of tearing the tissue in the bowel. We strongly advise against the use of foreign body ingestion home remedies such as mineral oil, laxatives and cathartics. They just don’t work.

It’s imperative that parents learn the Heimlich maneuver in older children. It is also equally important that they familiarize with using light back blows in infants. These techniques will help prevent choking once a foreign body is ingested.

In conclusion, if you want more information, do not hesitate to contact us at