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How the Flu Vaccine Protects You and Your Family

If you do not have a family doctor to explain how the flu vaccine works, we are here for you. The influenza disease is contagious and can get you hospitalized. On February 1, 2019, a school in Texas registered more than 415 students infected by flu reports, DIANANBC5 news channel. This was beside the fact that all the children went home healthy on Friday, but on Monday more than half the number had the infections. Over the past years, Flu has been the killer of tens of thousands of people who get infected. One of the best ways to keep you and your family healthy is to take annual flu vaccines.

How the vaccination works

After two weeks of vaccination, the flu vaccine triggers your body to develop antibodies. The antibodies are responsible for protecting your body against the virus. When you go for vaccination, you can choose between the trivalent vaccine and the quadrivalent vaccines. The trivalent vaccine protects your body from Influenza A, HINI and H3N2 viruses and one strain of the Influenza B virus. For the case of the quadrivalent vaccines, they protect your body from the three viruses plus the second strain of the Influenza B virus.
The health department recommends that you can use any of the licensed and age appropriate vaccines during the influenza season. Such vaccines will include the Recombinant influenza vaccine, the live attenuated influenza vaccine, and the inactivated influenza vaccine. However, all three categories are suitable for use.

Who gets vaccinated and who does not?

The whole family from the age of 6 months should get vaccinated from the influenza viruses. The flu vaccine is recommended for people who have a high risk of getting infected. Such people include schools students, teachers, people who work in large rooms such as factories, and people who stay in congested areas. The vaccine is packaged for different age groups. You never get injected with a vaccination that is out of your age. Also, if you are allergic, consider selecting a vaccine that will not have adverse effects on your health.

Time to get vaccinated

Flu season starts towards the end of October and runs as late as May. Therefore, it is advisable that you take the vaccination before mid-October. After vaccination, it will take up to two weeks before the body produces antibodies to protect you against the disease. However, if you fail to take the vaccine early, you can do it late October, and it can still work for you. It is vital to be vaccinated on time.
Will I need vaccination next year?
Yes. You need to take annual vaccinations every new season. Remember, your body’s immunity in response to the vaccine will decline with time. Also, the flu virus will be different every season. Therefore, you need an updated vaccine as per the status of the flu that season. Remember, the effectiveness of the vaccine depends on the match between the virus in the vaccine and flu virus. If the two do not match, you will get infected.
Do not risk your life by failing to be vaccinated. It is the only sure way to stay protected from influenza viruses. If you are seeking a family doctor who will serve you with the best and low-cost family health services, Diamond physicians are here for you. We aim to give you an active health plan that delivers high-quality care.