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How Diamond Physicians Can Protect You & Your Family’s Health

Health is wealth! Physical health is critical in ensuring mental health as well as longevity of life. Everyone needs to find professionals physicians to advise them on all matters healthcare. Diamond Physicians health physical is a top-tier healthcare facility which caters to your specific healthcare needs.

Diamond Physicians – Your dedicated physical health partner

Diamond Physicians has spent 5-years designing a customized approach which is best-suited to cater to all its clients’ needs. We have found ways to ensure medicine is executed in the most efficient and friendly manner. We provide:

Heart scans and tests

Your heart is one of the most sensitive organs in your body. Everyone needs to take care of his/her ticker to ensure it is working in optimum conditions. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 610,000 people die from heart disease in the United States.
At Diamond Physicians, we offer various scans and tests to ensure your heart is functioning properly. We provide Carotid Artery Scans, Advanced Cholesterol Testing, Inflammatory Markers, and Genetic Markers.

Nutrition and dietary services

A well-balanced diet is one which contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats. Always ensure you take healthy fluids before and after a meal. Diamond Physicians health physical approach offers its clients an advanced nutrition evaluation to help you track the amount of healthy and nutritional substances that go inside your body.
We also give an advanced hormone assessment which aids in tracking your various hormones as well as the adrenal exhaustion evaluation which estimates your body’s ability to cope with stress. With all these options, you are guaranteed a long and healthy lifestyle.

Digestive system monitoring services

The digestive system is responsible for absorbing nutrients necessary for your body. Failure to take care of it may lead to negative implications on your physical health. Diamond Physicians health physical appreciates the importance of a digestive system.
As such, we offer advanced digestive track assessment services, gluten, and celiac evaluation, micronutrient absorption tests, as well as H. Pylori Evaluation services. All these evaluations and scans aid in improving your overall health and sense of well-being.

Sleep assessment services

Healthy sleeping habits are important for your physical and mental health as well as improving your safety and quality of life. For instance, sleep helps in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels.
At Diamond Physicians health physical, we use various up-to-date machines to help assess your quality of sleep and discover any signs of sleep deficiency. By using our Genetic Telomere Length Assessment, our qualified physicians can determine your biological age by tracking the rate of your cellular decay. Likewise, we use OURA Activity and Sleep Quantification Ring to assess stages of sleep, recovery, mental sharpness and activity readiness on a daily basis.

Brain check-up services

Your brain is in charge of all the major functions occurring in your body. Therefore, you need to show it some TLC. Functional EEG services, brain speed assessment, mental well-being assessment, and mental balance evaluation are some of the mental check-up services we offer at Diamond Physicians health physical.
With all these options available, why not invest in your health? Diamond Physicians health physical combines both cutting-edge technology and convenience with affordable costs. Contact our offices or visit our website for further information on maintaining physical health. Our professional team of physicians is always ready to assist you in living the best and most healthy life possible.