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9 Natural Ways To Decrease Stress

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Is stress making you irritable and frustrated? Stress can easily result in insomnia, high blood pressure, and muscle fatigue, among other illnesses. However, before it takes a toll on your well-being, there are natural stress relievers that can help restore serenity and calmness to your chaotic life. Here are 9 natural ways to decrease stress:

1. Pinpoint and Eliminate Triggers

Figure out the causes of stress in your life — is it schoolwork, a demanding job, watching horrifying global news, or intoxicating relationships? You can keep a journal and make notes of what makes you anxious to determine any stress pattern. Then, try to eliminate or reduce the triggers by asking for help, pacing yourself, setting priorities, and reserving time to take care of yourself.


2. Regular Exercise

There is no magic to exercise; you get out what you put in. However, that doesn’t mean you should spend hours exercising, but 30 minutes of walking, dancing, a morning jog, or rock climbing can greatly ease mental stress. They lower the stress hormones (cortisol) and increase endorphin (the hormone that acts as a natural painkiller). Besides, exercising can improve your sleep quality and improves your mood.


3. Self-Care

Distracting yourself with an activity or hobby you love will go a long way in relieving the stress. Therefore, find some time to engage in relaxing activities such as taking a scented bath, reading, painting, or enjoying nature.


4. Yoga and Meditation

Meditation and yoga share a common goal: joining the body to the mind. Yoga can enhance moods and act as antidepressants, while meditation can alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to anxiety and stress.


5. Spend Time With Good Friends and Family

Spending time with friends and family can help release oxytocin, a natural stress reliever. Besides, physical contact such as a friendly pat or a hug can increase serotonin and dopamine, which are mood-regulating and stress-reducing neurotransmitters.


6. Deep Breathing Exercises

Slow and deep breathing exercises activate the parasympathetic nervous system that controls your relaxation response during stressful times. When you breathe through your nose deeply, the lungs expand, and your belly rises. This slows your heart rate and begins to naturally decrease stress.


7. Watch Your Diet

Stress can eat up your body’s store of nutrients, including calcium, B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium. So, it’s vital to eat a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables to restore the lost nutrients. Also, consider taking supplements such as vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and lemon balm because they have anti-anxiety effects.


8. Take Breaks

Take a short break when you are having trouble concentrating or are feeling overwhelmed. You can stand up for a quick stretch to relieve muscle tension or take a quick stroll around the block. This will give you a few minutes to gather your thoughts and benefit from the physical activity.


9. Talk About it With Your Doctor

Ongoing stress can affect your physical and mental health. You should see your doctor if you are feeling overwhelmed and fatigued or have difficulties concentrating. Remember, you don’t have to wait for a crisis to seek help for stress and anxiety.


Relax, We’ve Got You Covered!

Diamond Physicians is a proactive clinic that helps patients improve their overall work-life balance. Our doctors can help you identify stress triggers and advice on the best proactive measures to take to avoid unnecessary pressure and cope better if it hits.
Whether you have trouble meeting deadlines or carrying out daily routines at work, home or school, contact us today, and we’ll gladly help!