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5 Most Important Things to Do Before the End of the Year

The end of the year is near and for most people, days moved faster than expected and at the rush hour is when they realize that there is so much to do within a short period of time. However, despite the fact that time has caught up with you, there is still some time left that you can squeeze a yearly physical checkup. Consider checking up on the following before the end of the year.


Keep Active

Exercising regularly is a major secret to staying healthy. A good exercise helps improve your strength and stamina. Your mood and energy also improve. Regular exercising also helps you in maintaining your independence because conditions like obesity will be avoided. Keeping active should be accompanied with eating healthy. Have a nutritionist who will keep track of how your diet at your annual Physical checkup. In addition, ensure that you correspond your activity with your ability. It does not mean that because everyone is swimming for a long time, that you should also swim that way. If walking is what suits you, then just walk. There are tons of ways that you can stay active. Find what makes you happy and do it. If you are under medication, always talk to your doctor before indulging in any physical exercise.


Physical Exercises

One of the most important things that you can do before the end of the year is to have your physical health checked. Annual physical checkup makes it much easier for your doctor to foresee physical problems that may come. Your doctor screens you for any ailment like cancer or cardiovascular screening. Ensure that within years, you have made a relationship with your doctor. A good patient-doctor relationship ensures that he knows your medical history. You and your doctor become a team to work together to help you grow healthy. When you are at your doctor’s hospital, ensure that you understand what your doctor’s diagnosis is and the instructions he gives. Talk to him about any symptoms or concerns that you get.


Confirm Your Medications

At your year-end checkup, your doctor will review your medication. This will make sure that they are still safe for you. All the possible side effects will be checked and if there is any need to change or add to your medication, your doctor will be able to identify. For easy remembrance, you can use a handy book to record all your medicines and carry it to your doctor in your next visit. With all the questions that you could be having, avoid being overwhelmed by writing all the questions in a pocket-sized booklet and write the answers as the doctor answers them.


Get Your Screenings Done

Early body screening can help save your life. Screening checks your body for any illness or any disease that could be underlying without getting the symptoms. Screening helps the doctor in detecting diseases hence treatment is easily found. The common screening that you should ensure are carried out are the cardiovascular screening and cancer screening. All age groups should ensure that the screening has been done. Many serious illnesses do not have signs at the beginning and only show when they have already advanced which makes treatment expensive or untreatable.


Stay Calm

Before the end of the year, ensure that you spend time alone in a calm place. It can be at the beach enjoying reading a book. You can also practice on the kind of life you would wish to live in. write a to-do list and make it a routine of every morning. Practice this activity and make it a part of you. Look for a meditation strategy either drinking a glass of tea, lemon water or milk. You can also use the treadmill as a way of meditation.